A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 31 “And the Change was Specifically British” This chapter wraps up the 4th part of Dr. McCloskey’s book by asserting the favorable attitude shift towards bourgeois dignity was particularly British in flavor. To put this chapter in context, she is working backwards in time…
Tag: Economic Growth

Backward History Reveals Why the Bourgeoisie Rise
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 17 “It is a Truth Universally Acknowledged that even Dr. Johnson and Jane Austen Exhibit the Revaluation” Dr. McCloskey begins Part 3 of this opus (there are 10 parts!) by delving further into the origination of the ideas that led to the Great Enrichment….

Liberty and Dignity for Everyone Swamps Institution Quality
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 15 “And the Oomph of Institutional Change is Far Too Small” Dr. McCloskey continues critiquing the popular view of economists that good institutions explain the hundred-fold economic growth rate since the 18th century. For the past 2 chapters, she has argued that good institutions…

Good Institutions are not Enough — You Still Need Good Ideas
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 14 “Because Ethics Matters, and Changes, More” I’ll be honest. If the first few chapters read like this one, I never would have thought to do this chapter by chapter review! That is not because this chapter is bad, but it did challenge me….

The Right’s Story of Economic Growth is Wrong, Too
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 13 “But Neither Can Poverty Be Overcome from the Right by Implanting Institutions” OK, now McCloskey is coming for me! The textbook I use for my intro macroeconomics class has a chapter on the source of economic growth, and the quality of the institutions is one…

Knowledge Is the True Key
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 12 “‘Accumulate, Accumulate’ Is Not What Happened in History” Last chapter McCloskey explored reasons the word “capitalism” should be replaced with a term that captures the source of the Great Enrichment, such as “trade-tested betterment.” Capitalism — I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It…

Capitalism — I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 11 “Poverty Cannot Be Overcome from the Left by Overthrowing ‘Capitalism’” I will admit, I struggled with this chapter, not because I think she is wrong but because there is a lot of nuance to the matter. Her basic argument is the word, “capitalism,”…

You Cannot Steal Economic Growth
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 10, “Divergence not Imperialism” Welcome to chapter 10 of McCloskey’s book, Bourgeoise Equality, as we continue the chapter by chapter walk through. Historically, Poor was Normal Today’s chapter is beginning Part 2 in her book, examining the question, why are the rich countries rich…

Is What You “Know” About Growth Wrong?
A Discussion of Bourgeois Equality Chapter 9, “The Great International Divergence Can Be Overcome” McCloskey wraps up part 1 with this chapter asking a great question that has surely popped in your head if you’ve been reading these chapter reviews. But what about the poor right now in the rest…

Note to the Right: You Need More Faith in Economic Growth
A Discussion of Chapter 8 “Or From the Right and Middle” While last chapter, McCloskey argued against the anti-growth beliefs of the Left, now she says the Right suffers from a lack of faith in the Great Enrichment continuing in the future. Note to the Left: You are Wrong about…